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Category Archives: Not Safe for Work
December 21st- All You Can Eat by Garrideb
Author’s Note: Beta’d by the incomparable Jen. “You missed the turn to the buffet,” Starsky pointed out. He was trying to keep the suspicion out of his voice, but it was hard. He knew Hutch better than anyone, so he … Continue reading
Posted in Not Safe for Work, Slash
December 16th- David by DP Patricks
Starsky and I had arrested Thomas Dresden that morning, with enough incontrovertible evidence to create a cheerfulness in the D.A.’s office usually only seen at Christmas. As a result, our captain, Harold Dobey, was so pumped up, he was babbling … Continue reading
Posted in Fic, Not Safe for Work, Slash
December 15th- A Really Good Day by LGB
They had a good day, first they tried the new ride at the amusement park. Hutch really liked his ride, it reminded him of his days as a Sea Scout.
Posted in Art, Fic, Not Safe for Work, Slash
December 12th- Happy Christmas by Angelorb
What you see is what you get, hey, the fun’s not over yet…
Posted in Not Safe for Work, Poem, Slash
December 5th- I Shall Not Pass This Way Again by Dawnwind
The brown grasses of the canyon hills shimmered golden. The evening sun poised on the tallest peak, spreading rays of molten oranges and yellows before dipping down below Starsky’s line of vision. Blue gray clouds limned with the last of … Continue reading
Posted in Fic, Not Safe for Work, Slash
December 3rd- The Christmas Garland by Daisy Morgan
Garland noun A wreath or festoon of flowers, leaves, or other material, hung on something as a decoration. A collection of short literary pieces, as poems and ballads; literary miscellany.
Posted in Fic, Not Safe for Work, Slash