December 24th- Comfort and Joy by Mortmere

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30 Responses to December 24th- Comfort and Joy by Mortmere

  1. M Vernet says:

    Oh, damn! There goes my heart. Hutch in the sweater!!!!! Brilliant. I love this image. Thank you so much! Merry Christmas.

    • Mortmere says:

      <3 Hutch likes to borrow Starsky's sweater, and vice versa (though here Starsky has borrowed Hutch's bathrobe). Thank you for your lovely comment, and merry Christmas to you, too!

  2. EdieCee says:

    Another gorgeous portrait. I love that Hutch is wearing Starsky’s sweater and Starsky has his arms wrapped tight around Hutch’s neck. He has the loveliest smile on his face. And Hutch is also smiling and holding Starsky’s hands. You always include the smallest details, like Hutch wearing his moon and star necklace and also his ring. Exquisite! Thank you, Mortmere, for sharing this beautiful Christmas card of our guys.

    • Mortmere says:

      Thank you for your comment, Edie – I’m so glad to hear you appreciate the expressions and the details! I think Hutch is a (willing) victim of a Starsky hug attack here. 🙂

  3. onna karot says:

    Oh what a gorgeous, beautiful moment.
    I love everything! the colours (and I don’t usually feel very attracted to green), the composition, the happy atmosphere and all those amazing little details that make this work so perfect.
    *Yes it’s true; this year Hutch looks like is getting all the hugs. And the sweater. Lucky boy! 😉
    Thank you so much Mortmere!!!

    • Mortmere says:

      Thank you, Onna! <3 Comments like this make it worth all the agony I went through painting that sweater! In the end I felt like I had knitted the damn thing by hand. 😀 (Starsky thinks it makes Hutch all the more huggable, though, so there's that, too.)

      This pic became so green for one reason only: so I could use it to continue my "Rainbow" series (, which had been waiting for "Part Green" for almost three years. Now there's only Blue and Purple to go!

  4. Lisa A says:

    I don’t even know where to start. I love everything about this picture! It’s Christmas with the mistletoe and poinsettia, the colors, Hutch in Starsky’s sweater, but most of all, the love that just pours out of this work of art! It’s exquisite!! Starsky’s arms wrapped so lovingly around Hutch, and the look on their faces-pure love and joy! Thank you, dear Mortmere, for this beautiful Christmas gift!!

    • Mortmere says:

      You’re welcome, Lisa – and thank you for this lovely comment, it left a big smile on my face! Pure love and joy are what I get out of S/H, so I want to pass that forward. <3

  5. Spencer says:

    Such warmth and love in that picture.

  6. Daisy Morgan says:

    Wow Mortmere, I don’t even know where to begin. The other commenters have already said everything I would want to say. This just might be my favorite artwork of yours (and I love them all). The mistletoe and poinsettia; Hutch’s jewelry; their smiles; Hutch wearing his green t-shirt and Starsky’s sweater; how contented they look; the way Starsky is snuggled against Hutch, Hutch’s hand over Starsky’s, I could go on. I love how the moon and star seem to glow. And is that Hutch’s bathrobe that Starsky is wearing? Comfort and joy, indeed! Thank you so much for this gift.

    • Mortmere says:

      Aww, thank you for this lovely comment, Daisy – you notice everything! I only have to add Hutch’s very interesting pants from Voodoo Island/Rosey Malone – I love those pants! And yes, that’s Hutch’s green bathrobe that we see him wear in “Little Girl Lost” – the million dollar question is, is Starsky wearing anything under it? Maybe Hutch’s happy smile answers that, lol.

  7. Pat says:

    Everyone beat me to all the things I’d love to say about this image, Mortmere, so I’ll just add ‘Ditto’ to all the comments, above. (Did anyone mention the mistletoe, yet? Perfection!) I’m going to make a puzzle out of this for myself and work it many, MANY TIMES! Thank you!

    • Mortmere says:

      Thank you, Pat! The mistletoe is the most important detail, of course, because Starsky is about to use it as a traditional excuse to smooch his partner good and proper. Though I think he’ll take it a bit further than just a kiss! 😉 I hope you have fun times working on the puzzle and imagining how this moment might develop.

  8. kat says:

    This is stunning. Everything about it is beautiful. I LOVE Hutch in Starsky’s sweater! I can oky say wow, wow and wow. Thank you!

  9. Nancy Roots says:

    I aqdore this!
    Thank you, Mortmere!

  10. MatSir says:

    They’ve got their clothes on and I still love it. Such an intimate, loving moment between them. Your artistic talent amazes me and I’m so happy you share it with us. Merry Christmas, lovely Mortmere and a heartfelt “Thank you” for all that you do for this fandom.

    • Mortmere says:

      I’m pretty sure Starsky is just one shoulder shrug away from getting rid of that bathrobe (though that would mean he’d have to let go of Hutch for a moment – what a dilemma). Thank you, MatSir, for all your cheerleading, and fun and inspiring discussions, and merry Christmas to you, too!

  11. Donna says:

    This is absolutely beautiful! It makes me so warm & fuzzy just looking at the sweet expressions on their faces. So much love. And Hutch in Starsky’s sweater! Be still my heart! I love all the details you’ve included! Thank you so much for sharing this gorgeous picture ?❤️

  12. Evil Lynn says:

    Sigh! Hutch wearing Starsky’s cardigan the lovely smile on his face. Starsky nuzzling the side of Hutch’s face. Both boys looking so happy and content. LOVE 🙂

    It’s just perfection 🙂

  13. Maria (MHE) Priest says:

    You know how much I love your work, and this one may just be my favorite! Expressions are perfection. You’ve positioned their bodies perfectly, too. Brava!

  14. Sagitta says:

    A very inspired piece, thanks for sharing another beautiful work, Mortmere! Funny thing, while commenting on your Starsky’s sweater post, I was musing about how Hutch would look like wearing it, and this picture was quite a surprise!

  15. pineapplesandlove says:

    A very beautiful work.
    You put a smile on my face. Thank you!

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