Terry sits on the bench between the two best men in her life, enjoying the heat from the sun and them, the squeals and laughter from the other people who’d decided to come to the amusement park today, and the simple pleasure of breathing. Still breathing. That’s good. The smile already on her face grows larger.
“Whatcha thinking, honey?” asks Starsky. She hears the concern and fear beneath the sparkle in his tone. In different circumstances, she might have said yes to his proposal and they’d be celebrating their engagement in the privacy of his bedroom.
“I’m thinking I’m hungry. Could you get me some French fries, please?”
“Sure. Anything else?”
She shakes her head.
“I could use a soda.”
“Comin’ up. After I, uh, use the facilities.” Both she and Hutch laugh at his admission and waggling eyebrows. “Be back soon as I can.”
Starsky kisses the tip of her nose before he removes the arm he has draped over her shoulders and stands. “Don’t get any ideas about my lady while I’m gone, Hutch.”
“Get outta here, you nutball,” Hutch says teasingly. “For even thinking I’d make a move on your charming and gorgeous lady, get me some fries, too.”
Starsky pulls a face and says, “Good thing Christine had to go to work so I have enough cash to fill your belly.” He leaves, energetically dodging through the throng of people as if he were running through blockers in an effort to score a touchdown. They lose sight of him quickly.
Terry turns to Hutch, who has replaced Starsky’s arm around her shoulders with his. “Hutch, we need to talk.”
He turns toward her, curiosity and worry tainting his hesitant smile. “What is it, lovely lady? Do you need to go to –”
“No, no, I’m fine.” She adds, “Really,” when reading the doubt on his face. “I want to talk about you and Dave.”
“What about me and Star- uh, Dave?”
“I’ll get right to the point, because I’m not sure when he’ll be back and this is strictly between the two of us.”
“Okay. Just between us.” He sounds unsure, almost anxious.
She inhales sharply and grimaces at the stab of pain in her forehead that vanishes quickly, but not before Hutch gently squeezes her shoulder. “If this hadn’t happened, Dave and I probably would be planning our wedding in the near future. I love and adore him, and he feels the same about me, and I want to be with him as his wife, even knowing how he feels about you. And how I think you feel about him.”
The furrow between Hutch’s eyebrows deepens. “What are you saying? That he loves me and you’re not sure I return that love? If that’s it, then you’re mistaken, Terry.”
She sighs. “Sorry. Guess I’m not doing a good job conveying my thoughts.” She shrugs then continues. “You two have a special connection, a special kind of love. I can tell Dave wants to… express that love in a way society doesn’t exactly condone. I’m not sure he’s admitted that to himself, though.”
“You th-think Starsky wants to, uh, m-m-make love to me?” Hutch’s voice rattles like a maraca.
Shyly, Terry says, “I do. I see the way he looks at you. Touches you. Hangs on every word you say. Talks about you as if you’re the most important person in the world to him. I’m perfectly happy being second fiddle; you do have the first claim on him, you know. And I’m more than fine with his love for you because there can’t be enough love in this world. I love you, too, Hutch. You’re the twin brother I always wished I had. And who better to share him with? He has more than enough love in that big heart of his to go around.”
Terry studies Hutch’s stunned face for a few moments. “Do you feel that way about him, Hutch?” She knows the answer is yes, but also knows Hutch is blocking those feelings much more than her David.
“Uh.” There’s a long pause while Hutch considers this new, startling information. “I’ve never thought about it.”
Terry stands up to the hard, searching look Hutch gives her. “Why are you telling me this, Terry?”
She looks down at her hands, then back to him. “When I’m gone, I think he might… allow his desires to come through and I’m afraid for him in case you don’t reciprocate. If you know how he feels now, this’ll give you time to search your feelings and figure out how to respond to Dave. Promise me you’ll do that.”
“I don’t know what to say.”
“You don’t have to say anything, Hutch. Just promise you’ll think about it and if it comes about, do what’s right for the both of you.”
He crosses his heart. “Promise.”
The pair start when Starsky arrives back at the bench and says, “Hey, why so serious? Somebody tell ya your mama wears combat boots?”
They both laugh, glad to have finished this private conversation in the nick of time. Hutch relieves Starsky of one of the trays of fries and his soda. Starsky immediately withdraws a huge candy bar from a pocket and says, “Lookit this! A frozen Snickers! Who’da thunk it, huh? Whoever thought of this deserves a Nobel Peace Prize.”
“Starsky, I think the sun has fried even more of your meager brain cells.”
The trio begins to eat and resumes people-watching. A sidelong glance at Hutch tells her Phase One of her two-part plan to move them toward acting on their higher love is a success; she’s got him thinking. Her only wish is that Phase Two isn’t necessary because she lives long enough to see that special, unique love reach its full potential.
And it will, she is certain. Hutch has promised.
To Be Continued in Part 3: Diamonds & Change
Author’s Note: Part 2 inspired by ChocolateEgg’s wise thought: There’s love, and then there’s Starsky & Hutch love.
Aww! I love this because I love stories that explore the idea that Starsky, Hutch, and Terry could have had a polyamorous relationship, somehow. Setting this after Terry is shot gives it a lot of bittersweetness and poignancy.
Thanks, Monica, not only for your generous comment but also for making me realize I’m not the only one thinking that a polyamorous relationship would work for them.
:-O M, I’m flattered that you were inspired by my quote. You’ve done a lovely job so far of moving them toward each other. What an amazing woman Terry is, nudging them even closer. She knows their love is special and doesn’t mind being second to that.
Thanks for your comment AND your inspiration! I loved the character of Terry, and she obviously understood their connection–she did entrust Ollie & Starsky to Hutch!
This was very beautifully written. I loved Terry and Hutch’s conversation. Can’t wait for more. Thanks!
Thanks much, Anne. I can see Terry and Hutch being buds and able to talk about things like Starsky and Hutch’s love for each other.
I always felt Terry and Hutch had a special connection because they both loved Starsky so much. Too bad we didn’t get to see more of their relationship in the series. It was kind of mean to introduce her and then kill her off in the same episode, just like they did with Gillian. I guess the writers didn’t want anyone to get between Starsky and Hutch, especially their girlfriends. Thanks for this little “what could have happened” moment that maybe should have happened in the series, but never did (as far as we know, anyway).
Thanks and you’re welcome. I would’ve loved to have Gillian take Abby’s episodes and have Gillian’s story unfold over several eps. Also would’ve loved at least a two-parter with Terry. But alas, we weren’t consulted, EdieCee!
This was so sweet. Terry really did see the special love Starsky and Hutch share. I love how she’s working to make sure they see it too. Thank you for sharing this!
Oh and also, “There’s love, and then there’s Starsky & Hutch love” ❤️ ChocolateEgg’s wise thought is truest of truths!
Thank you and you’re welcome! Starsky and Hutch really do have a higher love and Terry is very perceptive and loving.
I said it before and I’ll say it again, Maria, this is sweet and thoughtful and wonderful. I LOVE it! You’ve gotten the ‘voices’ perfectly for each of them, and Terry’s perceptive caring comes through big time! Thanks for allowing all of us to share this special moment. Kudos to you, Chocolate Egg, for that great quote, too.
Thanks, Pat, for not only your comment but for your encouragement to continue with this story line.
This is so sweet. This feels so true to these characters that it makes me even sadder that Terry didn’t survive. I hope she’s correct, and that we will see our guys together. Thanks for the gift!!
Thanks, CallieDoodle! You’ll find out in Part 3. And you’re very welcome.
Lovely read-thank you x
Thanks, Hilly, and you’re most welcome.
To the graphic artist(s): Thank you so much for the beautiful illo! Just perfect.
The great thing about Terry is that she really did understand Starsky and Hutch’s special relationship. I wonder what would have happened to the three of them if she had lived?
Oh, I’ve had that story percolating in my head for months! Think polyamory.
Thanks for reading.
It may be a good thing this is spaced out. You’re got such a gentle touch with this series. Thanks, M!
What a fab compliment! Thanks so much and you’re welcome.
This is so lovely. Terry is a strong woman. Wanting to be sure her men are both taken care of once she’s gone. KUDOS
Thanks much, Nancy. Of all our boys’ GFs, Terry is my favorite. Great character.
Oh my goodness, I’m going to need a whole box of tissues with this series! This little gem is so touching and real! Thank you you for these great gifts, Maria!
Will you accept virtual tissues? Thanks for letting me know how this little series has affected you so far. And you’re most welcome.
That Terry is wily.
That she is – and perceptive.