December 24th- Winter’s Snow by Sagitta

Click on the image to view it larger.
Click here to play the puzzle.

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16 Responses to December 24th- Winter’s Snow by Sagitta

  1. onna karot says:

    Hey, it snows in Bay City!
    At least it looks like the guys are wearing warm, comfy clothes.
    And it’s also a beautiful puzzle. Thank you very much!

    • Sagitta says:

      Thank you, Onna! Snow in Bay City? It’d be nice, wouldn’t it? With this crazy weather why not? Let’s say they’re on a well earned holiday trip to Duluth! ? Have a beautiful holiday!

  2. Spencer says:

    Lovely image. Starsky looks so cuddly warm.

  3. Daisy Morgan says:

    Aww, such a lovely pic of them wearing comfy sweaters in the snow! It’s so magical, I love it! I can almost hear the sound of sleigh bells. And I can’t wait to do the puzzle! Thanks for the gifts.

  4. Pat says:

    This is beautiful, Sagitta; as others have said, comfy and warm! I’ll come back to the puzzle after I’ve read all today’s other gifts. Thank you for this one!

  5. Nancy Roots says:

    Beautiful pic/puzzle! Thank you, Sagitta, for this fun gift!

  6. MatSir says:

    Thank you, Sagitta! I’m cozy in bed, working on this puzzle with my hubby and my cat snoozing next to me. I hope you have a wonderful holiday, too.

  7. EdieCee says:

    I had a fun time working this puzzle–love the soft colors and the overlay of snow. It made putting all the pieces together a little more difficult and I was sorry when it all came together and I was done. I’ve always loved this shot of the guys and making it into a puzzle was a great idea.

    • Sagitta says:

      Thank you, Edie! Happy to know you enjoyed the puzzle. Yes, it’s a bit more difficult with less contrast but the subjects hiding behind are very worth the effort ?

  8. Donna says:

    Love this! They look so cozy in their sweaters with the snow falling down! Thank you for the beautiful picture and the puzzle! ?❤️

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