This story by LilyK was featured in black and white in the 2010 SHareCon zine. We're offering it here for the first time in color. This is a continuing story, which will be complete by the end of the advent season. Enjoy!

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Words Between Us
Part 6

Front of postcard, black and white image of wax museum statue of Frankenstein.

Back of Frankenstein postcard from Starsky to Hutch: "I'm glad we got that mess from last week straight. I almost called from the hospital but I didn't want you to worry about something you couldn't do anything about. Thank God Dobey's okay. Stupid drivers; running a stop light. The guy got ticketed, but for 24 hours it was touch      and go. Reese is taking over for the cap until he's back on his feet. Listen to me. You have to show some faith in me. If I don't answer the phone, it ain't because I've kicked you to the curb: Hey, dork. I LOVE YOU. Happy? Starsk"

Front of postcard, shows color images of

Back of Cornwall postcard, from Hutch to Starsky: "Sorry, buddy, guess I'm not as confident as I thought when it comes to us. But your willingness to write I love you on a place where a stranger can read tells me you're serious. Thanks for that. Me, I want to hire a sky writer to put H loves S across the entire sky in big letters. That really is a bunch of must, but what the hell. It's my life and I want to spend it with        you. I'd do anything, live anywhere, to be with you. God, I'd better go before I start spouting poetry or worse, singing. Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet, my la and...H. (Drawn cartoon of a little smiling daisy-like flower.)"



To be continued...very soon!

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