45 thoughts on “December 1st- Starsky & Hutch Yuletide Vid

  1. The look and feel of this year’s Advent Calendar are so beautiful and festive. Please give my thanks and a big helping of whatever is her favorite treat to Elf Cyanne.

    Kat-what a fun video! I loved all of the action and the animation, the song is perfect…and shot after shot of our guys really makes the season festive. Thank you for being first elf out in 2012 — beautiful work!

    Thank you also, Flamingo, for your fun intro message and all of the work you do to bring us treat after treat. It looks like the season is underway!

    Best and many thanks again-


  2. Kat! That was a ton of fun. I liked how the guitar solo was a lot of David and his guitar. πŸ™‚ And the mistletoe and gifts at the end! Fun and bouncy. πŸ™‚

  3. PS thank you to all the elves for making the Advent Calendar a happening thing for another year. Always a treat for December!

  4. I could hear the video but wasn’t able to see anything but the opening graphic. My computer tried to play it with Windows Media Player. It might just be my computer, but I thought you should know, just in case.Thanks and happy holidays

    • Well, darn. I’m sorry to hear this, Brandy. We tested it on several computers so you’re probably one of those one in a hundred that can’t play this particular one. It does happen because as a vidder sometimes a person will have trouble with a certain file. But I sincerely thank you for trying.

    • Brandy,
      the file is a wmv file, which is for Windows Media Player so it should definitely play. This issue might have to do with your anti-virus software, your browser, or other issues unique to your system. If you don’t use Internet Explorer as your browser, try viewing it on that browser (which should be on your computer). Also, try right clicking the link, which should give you the option to download the vid itself (one choice might say “save target…”). Once you download the vid, you should be able to view it. You also might want to see if your antivirus software has a popup blocker which might prevent your viewing it. If you are on dialup, this might be another issue. You can write to me privately at flamingoslim at verizon dot net and I can try to help you with these issues.

  5. I could hear the video but I could only see the opening credit. My computer downloaded Windows Media Player to play it. This just might be my computer’s issues, but I thought I’d warn you, just in case. Thanks and Happy Holidays!

    • One more thing. Sometimes a computer needs a little time to “see” a vid (download it into temporary memory so it will play better). So trying to view it more than once can sometimes get the whole thing into memory so it will play.

  6. What a lovely calendar – the layout and colours and excellent, Christmassy, cheerful and festive. I have to confess to peeping at all the dates not yet open just to enjoy the pictures and captions. It’s a lot of work to make something that works so well, but this site makes it appear easy. Thanks to all the elves.
    And Kat, this is a neat vid, a really good opener for the calendar, thanks for producing it with such delightful and carefully chosen pictures to match the song.

  7. What a wonderful way to start this season πŸ™‚
    Even makes the cold outside look/feel better!
    Thank you!

  8. This is a cute vid, Kat. I especially liked the Torino (and it’s baby brother BG), and the pictures of our older boys. Every time I see Starsky in that cuddly white sweater it makes me feel cozy and warm.

  9. Dear Kat,
    I could only listen to the song, didn’t see anything. But I’m sure you created a funny vid. Thank you so much!

    • Well darn. Sorry you can’t see it. I shall have to post it after the calendar is finished. Thanks for trying!

  10. Catchy tune, great pictures, wonderful way to start the season, woman!!

    HO HO HO!!!!


  11. Love the use of the pictures. I have video aspirations myself, so I like to see the different ideas people come up with. And the Torino gets some luv, too! What a great start to the calendar. Thanks for contributing!

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