December 24th- You Think You Know a Guy by MHE Priest & MatSir

Series Description: Can two masters of their own domains (now lovers) for years live together without driving each other crazy? [Apologies and thanks to Seinfeld and The Odd Couple]

Part 1:  The Kitchen

…The Dishwasher Discord…

Hutch drags Starsky into the kitchen by his shirt sleeve to stand in front of the open door of their new appliance. “Starsky! What is the matter with you? You can’t load the dishwasher like that!” Continue reading “December 24th- You Think You Know a Guy by MHE Priest & MatSir”

December 23rd Gifts


Recurring Actor and
Role Game
by M H E Priest

Safe for Work

Honey, Won’t You
Open That Door
by Elizabeth Lowry

Safe for Work
Starsky’s Finger
by hardboiledbaby
Not Safe for Work
Photo Frame Puzzle
by Daisy Morgan

Safe for Work
Christmas Present
by Spencer

Safe for Work
Recipes of the Day:
3 Pennsylvania Dutch Coconut Recipes from babsawriter
Vegan Coconut Custard Pie