December 1st- Hot Chocolate and Peppermint by Suzan


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29 Responses to December 1st- Hot Chocolate and Peppermint by Suzan

  1. ksstarfire says:

    Oh, Suzan!! I love this! You have such a stunning talent! I have trouble drawing stick figures! Thank you so much for this beautiful gift!

  2. Hutcherie says:

    Beautiful, Suzan!!! Thanks! ??

  3. SHaron says:

    Just lovely, a great start to the season. And I had such fun peeking at some of the future dates, another delightful and funny treat, thanks all.

  4. Lisa C says:

    Love the detail – such as chocolate sprinkles on Starsky’s cocoa but not on Hutch’s. Also find the hoodie on Starsky’s pjs absolutely endearing! Thanks for the hard work!

  5. Spencer says:

    Thanks Suzan! A image sweet and sexy enough to curl my toes! What a great start to the month!

  6. Kat says:

    And warm toes! What fun. Thanks, Suzan!

  7. marianrose says:

    Mmmm, peppermint. I’m enjoying this art very much. I love the playful, affectionate expressions on the guys which match perfectly with their warm toasty toes. I hope Hutch is going to play the guitar after he finishes his cocoa.

  8. Dawn Rice says:

    A yummy picture of contentment in the cabin by the fire. So cozy.

  9. pat says:

    The blazing fire, warm socks, plaid (but not matching) flannel pajama bottoms, a red hoodie and blue turtleneck, Hutch’s contented smile, Starsky’s satisfied smirk, their hands just touching, and the colorful sprinkles on Starsky’s cocoa; all perfect touches to this marvelous scene. ‘Thanks, Suzan,’ seems like such a poor comment, but maybe THANKS, SUZAN!!! is a little better. Beautifully done! P.S. I love the Santa-hatted penguin on the mantle sock! And I love being able to ‘see’ you as you put this together; SHareCon keeps giving and giving

  10. wightfaerie says:

    Aww, so cute. All nice, warm and fuzzy. Also very sexy. Thanks, Suzan.

  11. littlestar61 says:

    Thank you for this tender and sweet gift. I love the boys cuddled up together!

  12. mvernet says:

    Warm and cozy. Love the details. I can imagine then singing Christmas carols along with Hutch’s guitar. “We wish you a merry Christmas.”

  13. Myhnabird says:

    Beautiful work, Suzan. And, as I said in a previous comment, I especially like that they’re wearing hand-knit socks!

  14. Verlaine says:

    Thank you, Suzan! This is such a warm, comforting homey picture of our guys. A great start to Advent.

  15. fluffya1 says:

    Wow – what a beautiful picture with all the sweet details – thanks a lot Suzan for this great work !!!

  16. gia says:

    Beautiful way of starting our advent calendar. Thank you Suzan.

  17. xtexan86 says:

    Love the socks! Thanks so much for this gift!

  18. Arlene Mabry says:

    OOH – what a cozy, comfy scene! Great way to start the 2016 calendar. Thanks Suzan – love it!

  19. ChocolateEgg says:

    Looks like the guys are all set to open the Advent calendar gifts along with us. Great job! Thank you!

  20. ly888ly888 (LauraY) says:

    Suzan, thank you for the heartwarming picture. Perfect start for the Advent Calendar. So many wonderful details: Starsky in red, Hutch in blue, cozy socks, the guitar by the fireplace, a crackling fire. Very nice!

  21. Elaine says:

    Beautiful! Snuggling in front of the fire…

  22. Siubhan Spring says:

    Any time on the couch and share a hot ………..fill it in. The hands say it all. Super.

  23. barancoire says:

    Really beautiful…!!! 🙂

  24. anachron says:

    I love this, Suzan! It’s so cute! And the details — like the wool socks, and the sprinkles on Starsky’s cocoa — are just lovely. Thank you!

  25. Keri says:

    Your work always brings me joy, and this is no exception! The socks alone are so sweet and then those expressions…just lovely!

  26. Susan (taass64) says:

    Perfect picture!

  27. Robbin Laffoon says:

    Great artwork! Curious to know how you do it! Not that I ever would be able to, but is it done with computer? With that and some hand drawing? Either way, thank you again for doing the picture of the guys!

    Robbin (hutch-is-gorgeous)

  28. Matsir says:

    I don’t usually imagine the guys in clothes, much less pajamas but this is a perfect cozy scene. Although from his expression, Starsky’s going on Santa’s naughty list.

  29. hardboiledbaby says:

    So very warm and cozy! The boys are ready for all the pressies 🙂 Gorgeous work, Suzan, thank you!

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